hongyuanzhu.cn (AT) gmail (DOT) com
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Computer vision has played an important part in helping agents in understanding and analyzing the real world. Although computer vision achieved impressive progress in the past few years, a large number of studies have shown that the performance of many computer vision systems often exhibits a significant drop when they are presented with common visual turbulences (rain, snow, and fog) and adversarial examples. Existing methods either resort to hand-crafted priors or using deep learning as a black-box to learn an end-to-end mapping from input to output. However, these priors can easily violated and black-box model is hard to interpret. On the other hand, we propose to embrace theoretical grounded physical models with deep learning to make visual sensing more robust. We propose a series of differentiable physical model to solve low-level vision and high-level understanding problem with state-of-the-art performance